Book Review: You Were Born for This by Chani Nicholas

  • Source: I received this book as a gift from a dear friend!

  • My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (see my review on Goodreads)

Astrology is one of those aspects of woo that has been a distant curiosity to me for years, but if you read my review of The Ultimate Guide to Astrology, you know that I’ve become more interested in learning about it this past year. I thought I didn’t need another astrology book until my friend Sarah surprised me with a copy of You Were Born for This as a holiday gift. It’s probably not a surprise to learn that the black+holographic cover captured my heart right away.

Some background: while I haven’t been super into astrology thus far, my partner has outwardly looked down upon it / made fun of it forever. As I’ve learned more about it, I have slowly tried to show him that there’s more to it than the stereotypical horoscopes and generic personality types that typically come to mind for those who don’t know anything about it beyond “what’s your sign?”. He never felt like he identified overmuch with his sun sign (Taurus — I always joke with him that Tauruses are probably the least likely to believe in astrology).

A fun story: my partner is very into financial investing. Sometime last year he was amused to tell me that he found a woman on TikTok who makes her financial/investment predictions based on astrology. Months later, he came back to tell me that her predictions were sound and he was impressed by her accuracy — he was finally intrigued! So, when I got this book, I asked him if I could start reading it to him (we love reading books aloud to each other). The introduction had us both hooked right away. And then I read him a bit about his sun sign… and then his rising… and his moon… And I am proud to report that this is the book that finally convinced my partner that astrology is legit!

All this to say that I am so glad to have found You Were Born for This! I went through and flagged all of the pages that are relevant to me (in pink) and my partner (in yellow) according to our natal charts. We have spent some time reading our pages together and considering the reflections, questions, and journaling prompts. We both really like this book and will be keeping it as a reference on the witchy shelves forever.